Radons Atremble - Guitarists

AND I LOVE HER - (Beatles) - Pat Metheny

As performed by Pat Metheny in 2011.

"And I Love Her" is a song recorded by English rock band the Beatles, written primarily by Paul McCartney (credited to Lennon–McCartney) in 1964, published in the album "A Hard Day's Night". "And I Love Her" was the first Beatles recording using purely acoustic instruments. It is one of the most covered Beatles song.

Pat Metheny has performed with more than one solo acoustic guitar version of "And I Love Her", one of which was recorded on the album "What's It All About" in 2011.

001 - And I Love Her - Pat Metheny

2.50 $

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This is the original performance used for transcription.

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In the Radons Atremble GUITAROKE video you can see tablature, synchronized with the global front view of the execution, at the original speed.

In the Radons Atremble GUITARTUT video you can see tablature, synchronized with detailed views of the execution, slowed down to 50% of the original speed.